Monday, July 28, 2003 at 9:30 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
gosh..had an ultra bad day today..fuct uP! after staying back in sch for research, i went to take mrt..den it was "off-work" e mrt was damn super crowded..some bloody hell person scratched my bag when i was "excuse-me-ing" to get out of e PACKED train..shit PROJECTSHOP bag now got scratches loh...hate it!!!! my bag is Ruined!!
got lotsa hw to do going off to finish my comm skills tutorial..
in a bad mood cuz i dun feel organised at all..shuckz..hate sch! hate tutorials! hate lecture! hate projects! hate research! hate e mrt! hate hate hate everything!!!!!! except my family & my frenz...i meant TRUE u all
in my past..
as usual im in e sch's lab now..haha..juz did a qu...oh my sHooOTs!!! weather is HOT LK MAD!!! really H...
i LoOOOOve my hair!!! mummY loves my hair toO! dar...
The Power Of Love The whispers in the morning Of ...
lallala...sch starts at 12pm today..dunno y today ... in e lab again..gonna haf CSA soOON...h...
took more than an hour to finish my BUsiness Stats...
You are reasonably horny. You probably think abou... e lab now again..trying to print some s...
am in school now...@ e lab..juz did a personality ...