i'm a happy ger in my own world!!!
i'm a sad ger in a lost world!!
i'm a piggy ger in my darling's world!!
i juz wanna be a simple ger w/o worries.

sigh...hate projects! aint coping very well with poly life...sigh..miscommunication in a group will lead to unhappiness...anyway, today is a SATURDAY! and i nid to go to sch for Econs lesson..urrgh..hate it...im sure to be late..cuz after i woke up, i decided to call jasmine and tok to her abt e project thing...she feels e same way as i do..but we've got no choice cuz we're not e LEADER...we need to accept last minute work to score for our presentation...and i nid to go over to sengkang tmr to do project...do u all noe tat frm my hse to sengkang and back will take up nearly 2 hours of my time? i've got other work to do as well...urrgh

anyway, had a great time with darling yesterday..we went Crystal Jade for dinner..den b4 tat we had a late lunch at Mac..giggLez..so piggy rite? haha..oh yah! b4 dinner after Mac, we went far east...den i was craving for a pedicure..giggLEz..so i did a French Pedi! nice nice!!!!! thank u darling for pampering my TOES! haha...=)

watched "How to Deal" @Lido...not a nice show...i dun lk it...dunno y oso...=) after tat we went to Lips@cine to eat agaiN! faintz...yesterday dunno eat how many meals! and at e rate of how darling spent money yesterday, we'll never be able to get an apartment sooN! *winKz* haha...

//darling..thanx for everything...=) hmmm...i love YOUR smeLL...i love e way u wrap ur hand ard my waist...i simply love YOU!//

in my past..

urrgh~ din tok to darling again last nite! by e ti...
oh nO! my darling is so sick! marky is also sick! ...
in e lab now...nah nah nah...haha...had mee rubus ...
my toe No. 3 hurtz lk heLL!!! sobz...swollen...urr...
finally i slept for 10 HOURS! haha..but tis comes ...
lala...im feeling really stressed...got so many as...
lalala...am in sch now!! so blur of me! i forgot t...
oh my gosh! e childish 17-yr-old SISSY (gay aint c...
-cut and paste from ALVIN.L's bLOG..READ AND COMME...