Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 10:43 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
sigh..problems are all never after another...
i hereby announced that i'm personaLLy experiencing a financiaL criSis..sigh..
anyway, watched "Freaky Friday" yesterday...e show is WOW! excellent show! worth $8.50 manz..rate it 9/10! gosh...very very nice show..damn fuNNy! after watching e show and with e company of darling, all my troubles seeeMed sO faR awaY...but obviously i'm back to REALITY..i nid to face my one SHOULD avoid their problems...FACE IT..sigh
studied with aunty yvonne yesterday...we did study quite alot proud of myself..i muz start studying soon already..left with 2 more chapters..hurRAy! but den i still muz take a look @ those past yr papers...xianz..
anyway, saw genevieve @brEEks yesterday..i walked past her den i din notice she was there..but she walked to me and tapped my shoulder! heee..muz meet up with her sOON!
haPPy 17tH biRthDaY chRisSY daRLinG!!!!
//i'm here for you to tell me all ya troubles...i'm here for you to hear u whine..i'm here for you to tok to..and you noe it dear..i'LL alwayz be here for come to me baby...//
in my past..
SIGH~ guess wad!? my hp biLL cost $124...sms itsel...aiyO!! econs chapter on UTILITY so difficult!! wad...
today's weather damn damn damn damn HOT AND STUFFY...
i have 3 hours break today! and sch ends at 2pm to...
oh my gosh! my group's presentation was goot!!! ah...
i'm feeling quite tired..haha..but i slept at 11.3...
sigh...overall, today was not a very goot day.. s...
oh la la...went to kai's hse for was n... feeling URRGH again..i nid to read up on...
nah nah nah!!!! done with my REflection t...