i walked in e rain today! neh neh! stupid captain's baLL shit...yuckz..but den neh neh kaI! so funnY canz? kept making me, jasmine & cass laff! giggLez..all his NONSENSE!! damn entertaining canz? haha...

cass helped me tie hair today! haha..i looked so TOOD! buay tahan..den hui min helped me to put lip gloss...haha..so funNY! had loads of fun today! really laffed lk mAD Loh! haha...siao!

darling is SICK! sounds lk a little boY!! haha..& he's kind of losing his mind!! he cant really rem things today...hmm..*huGGieZ* miss ya baby! -muCkz-

in my past..

lalalala...skipped ILSO lecture..oppsy..was damn t...
so many things to do!!!! urrgh.. anyway, met darl...
did some shopping today! bought heels from Bata! $...
juz painted my toe-nails dark purplish red..cleane...
sweat Blood, Sweat, and Tears brought to you by Q...
HELP ME!! i'm still having gastric..from last nite...
din update last nite cuz fall aslp @8.30pm..how ea...
nah nah nah!!! finished my web presentation...heng...
am in the lab now..waiting to DIE..cuz i tink i ca...