juz rched hme not long ago..went out with my darling birthday boy today..skipped econs lecture juz to surprise him at his house..haha..

on my way there to his hse on the cab..the taxi-driver was kinda pervertic..told me abt his sex life with his gf when he's already lk 50 years old? den told me he masturbates himself whenever his gf cant satisfy him..gosH!!! den told me abt how big is his gf's breasts! den told me HOW FIRM??? in additioN!!! he told he he would often press and touch her breasts while driving??? i mean HOW GROSS CAN THAT BE?? i was freaking scared he would rape me or molest me can??? somemore he drived from those ULU roads..so quiet..fuck loh! i was really scared alright? when i saw darling, i felt so safe! so quickly hugged him titely..*huggieZ*

went to watch "rUndowN"..damn funny loh..but was kinda tired..so slpt at the last part..hee..sorry dear! din meant to fall aslp..=P had sushi teI for diNNER!!! super yuMMy canz?!??!? but darling spent ALOT!!! his birthday u noe?!!?? but he spent so much on dinner...sigh..i feel guilty..sigh..

need to do econs tutorial! urrgh! hate it..monday still got another formal presentation..hate it! i hate so many things...shuCKz! anYway, i scoRed 14.5/15 foR mY exceL!!! yay! haha..thoT i wouLD faiL lk Nobody's busiNEss!! haha..so Lucky rite!!?? luCky me!

//hoPe daRlinG eNjoyEd hiS daY todaY! huggiEz..i love u baby!!!//

in my past..

aiyoYo! in sch now..lalaa..in the lab..my birthday...
haPPY biRthDaY daRLinG!!!! let me sing u a song:...
went to sch for 1/2 houR onLy...had to gif tcher f...
OooOoH mY sHooOOtZ!!! mY daRliNG is witH me NOW!! ...
in the computer lab now!!! got comm skills exam la...
sigh..trying to do my HFM reflection now..faintz.....
aiyo..now in sch lab now..so xianz..suppose to do ...
was damn panic the whole morning today..culdnt go ...
oh my oh my!! i've got tons of stuffs to complete!...
hee hee hee...i'm a happy giRRRL! juz finished f...