Friday, November 28, 2003 at 9:51 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
i saw JOANNA.P in town yesterday!!! *faintZ+meLtz* gosh..damn pretty loh..haha...lalala..den she waved at me!!! woOOohoOOO!!! juz wish i can see her more often....PLS??
went searching for 2004 calender@Borders..den the one me and darling saw the other time was GONE already..left with all the disgusting ones..urrgh..i was damn pissed by this cuz i walked all the way there in a RUSH!
den my sister was kinda having mum was lk giving in to it added on to my piss-ness..but after that it was fine..
got home den received a msg from "chair-chair"..telling me she got ZOuk Invites..den obviously i wana go rite? and also since i told her tis week i shall go with her if possible..the worst thing was that suddenly, my cousin couldnt lend me her i/c! that added on to my triple Piss-ness!!! and jasmine was really sweet...when i asked for her help, she din REJECT me flatly..gosh! MOUSEY!! I LOVE U!!! *giggLEz* heeheee....but in e end, i still took my cousin's i/c..oh well...3 more months to go and i can USE MY OWN I/C!!! urrgh...
going over to xueting's hse later..for some catching up and stuff...den staying over at her place for dinner..=) after that gonna meet darling and all to go ZouK..but still haven confirm wad time meeting..sigh..juz hope today will be fun..and NO MORE PISSING nonsense..*craPz*
in my past..
oh throat is hurting me!!!! so painfuL! an...watched "Looney Tunes back in action" on MOnday..v...
i miss my darling!!! *smacKs myseLf* lalala..even ...
oh yah!! i took my results already...anyway, dun c...
oh man...met up with alice jie-jie and Gid chair-c...
oh man...gonna meet gidania for dinner tonite!!!!!...
lalaa..juz woke up..scary huh..5pm!! gosh..went Zo...
im still having slight cramps..sigh...i dun wanna ...
hmm..miss chilling out at suntec's fountain with d...
went dinner-ing at some seafood restaurant@East CO...