my throat is itchy..feel lk skin is tearing for no reason..esp the corner of my right's so painfuL..sigh...i wanna die..sobZ..keep wanting to rub..but i will simply worsen it..sigh...shall see a doc soon..

went out for dinner FULL!! feeling BLOated!! hee...but had an enjoyable dinner with my famiLy!!!

ECOns paper suck! gosh..i LooOve eCOns so much!! thot i culd score in tis suBj..but wad the F*Ck? tink if i pass it's already miracle! was damn tough! faintz....

after that went to meet darling..was 1/2 hr late..sorry baby! was confident that i will leave the exam room early..damN! i left only at 4pm?? urrgh! was laffing lk so mad woman on the train..haha..dunno y also..juz felt very happy having darling by my side..hee...den we went to eat beef noodles agaiN! haha..yuMMY! den had Tori-Q asparagus pork stick! haha..yuMMy..all darling's fault!! i commented that i wanna eat chicken skin..ahha..sO! he went to buy it..haha..Ultra sinFUL canz?? gosh..but i still ate..hahahah....muz do workout after exams...if NOT!! i got no eyes to see ar..hahah...

//thanx darling for all the wonderfuL tiMes spent tgt..i love u dearLy!!//

in my past..

weLL weLL sucha piG! took a 2 hrs nap!!!...
wooOOhOooo..ISLO paper over! left with 3 more pape...
my computer screen is flickering..gosh..tink spoil...
haPPy 4tH moNtH anNiveRsaRy mY preCioUs daRLinG!!!...
hmmm..i've learnt to put down my pride and solve a...
was bluffing and "bombiNg' my way thru during Hfm ...
yay! today's hfm paper...lala..i dunno y i "yay! b...
urrgh...feeling lk a big fat giant now! gosh..ate ...
purposely set the alarm clock at 8.45am so i can w...
URRRGH!!!! my stomach is bursting!!! have been stu...