YAY! Maia got in! =) she's a talent!

it was a great day today! saw Mr.K "upclose"...haha...*meltz*..thanx to susan ar..haha...he wore formal today...but i thot he din look as goot...BUT STILL, charming la...giggglez...well well...

woah...last nite i slept at 2am..woke up at 7am today..faints..totally had no idea what Ms. GOh was talking abt during Accts tutorial..first time i felt quite stupid..haha...i shld better be good and try to do the tutorial myself...=)

AND..jay chou's concert-->50% SOLD OUT. only mastercard holders are allowed to book now..it will only be available at SISTIC abt one or two weeks later...anyway, im going going going!!! i am super duper excited canz? haha...im going to get the $128 seat. YESH.

will be skipping lectureS tmr to shop shop shop!!! lalala...but will have to go for Marketing tutorial...boooo...and also hand in Service portfolio..=)

had a missed call. called him, but din ans. weird. and in e end, i gave him 2 missed calls. haha..BUT he still din call back. urrrrgh~

**i feeeeeeel gooood...la-la-la-la-la...**

in my past..

have been online since 5 plus..till now..i nearly ...
im feeling super giddy now...just woke up from a n...
if only things werent so complicated.
as usual, i miss Mr. K's eyes. btw, jay chou is co...
For the past few months, this is the first time, r...
im feeeling real proud. as i was flipping thru Sun...
everybody is tired. all AR's fault. shittified. ...
im in the lab now..doing stupid AR..sigh~ feeling ...
there's still a lot of work to be done. FRom what ...
Happy belated birthday WING angel! love u! it's b...