Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 10:45 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥

another "taiwan-style" hahaha.

in my past..
woooo....the 4 of us.frozen smiles. haha. and birdy is not smiling. gig...
me & TAO! wah. my fren for 13yrs. and counting..ri...
cindy & ah aw. haha. so cute.
the xin fu tai-tai.
nice hor? hahaha. thanks to steph, the photographer.
ah aw & me. she had to tip-toe to hug me. oooopps.
a kiss from sheena..cheng jie jie & posing at the ...
the office girls...
"taiwan-style" photo poses. haha. steph & me!