aiyOYo! towN was SO sO sO damn crowded yesterday..dunno y also..faintz..anyway, went town with my sister and darling..walked ard..

after that sister wanna go accompanied her take bus home..den me & darling went to HAbourfront to relax..hee..sat @starbucks...juz rest there..haha..den i started squeezing my pimple on my it looks lk i've juz pierced my nose..yuckz...went dinner-ing @IkeA..ate 6 YUMMY canz? faintz...DeLicioUs..

aiyO..i dun care!!! i wanna go sentosa today!!!!!! yesterday cuz when deciding where to go that time, it was still raining lk hell..den when we rched town, e rain stopped den den HOT lk heLL! urrgh..i wanna go sentosa today..pls dun rain!?

aH-BraN!!! haPPY biRtHday!!!!! =)

in my past..

lalala...had fun with davi, chris, menaa, feli, ja...
OH mY oH my!!!!! i've got 2 HUGE pimples on my fac... in a bad state now..fuck...i'm juz some u...
stupid oh geok teng!!!! she super duper ZHONG SE Q... feeling super fuLL and bloated!! feel ...
aNNouncement to Make: Miss sarah Low is giving UP ...
sigh..haven finish studying CSA (computer systems ... pms-y mood is BACK! urrgh..and who suffer...
econs paper was ok today..i din noe how to draw e ...
yawNz..tired! but dunno y leh..slept very early la...