aNNouncement to Make: Miss sarah Low is giving UP on HER CSA!!! pray that i get 25/50...PLEASE!!!!

in my past..

sigh..haven finish studying CSA (computer systems ... pms-y mood is BACK! urrgh..and who suffer...
econs paper was ok today..i din noe how to draw e ...
yawNz..tired! but dunno y leh..slept very early la...
sigh..problems are all never after ano...
SIGH~ guess wad!? my hp biLL cost $124...sms itsel...
aiyO!! econs chapter on UTILITY so difficult!! wad...
today's weather damn damn damn damn HOT AND STUFFY...
i have 3 hours break today! and sch ends at 2pm to...
oh my gosh! my group's presentation was goot!!! ah...