Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 11:11 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
i'm sucha goot giRRL! did Bus stats tutorial & CSA tutorial..but haven do the Miscosoft Excel..urrgh! shall do it tmr! yay! am meeting darling tmr! cant wait..it's been 2 days since i last saw him..sigh~
anyway, sch was alright today..nothing interesting..AS USUAL! i had headache again...dunno y..den ate panadol after eating chicken burger..the neh neh western food stall uncle! he gave me back the wrong change earlier on in the afternoon during break!! he owed me $1.00!!!! urrgh! i'm BROKE! still wanna CHEAT my money..oh yah! took a cab to sch today...haha..LATE again..shit loh..keep wasting money on cab will DIE! & my hp bill came...$93.00! haha..my mother nagged abit..made me feel bad again..urrgh! will try my very best to cut down!!! *jia you!*
AND! huimin tied hair for me agaiN! made me looked lk a princess again! hahahaha...i'm so inlove with the "PRINCESS" title!!! how how how!?!?!?
in my past..
oh MY shoOTz! haven been blogging for days! hmmmm ...i'm in sch now..with jasmine..& it's a saturday!! ...
tink i'm gonna be late meeting yvonne for kway chu...
If tomorrow never comes Will u know how much I lov...
lalalaa...now in comp lab..today raining again!!! ...
i walked in e rain today! neh neh! stupid captain'...
lalalala...skipped ILSO lecture..oppsy..was damn t...
so many things to do!!!! urrgh.. anyway, met darl...
did some shopping today! bought heels from Bata! $...