Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 11:31 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
aiyO! stuPid frieNdster!! takinG yeaRs to Load!!! neH neh!!!
anyway, went geraldine's hse to do a dry run of the presentation..den it was quite alright loh..i was ultram late!! sorry kai and jasmine! haha..had to make u all wait for nearly 45miNs!! opPsy! cuz i woke up late..den bus din wan to causing everything to be late!! haha..
met darling to eat..den tatasha had to rush me, darling, jasmine & kai went to eat..haha..and they ordered the fishhead noodles not nice wan!! haiyO..luckily i ate WesterN foOD even though i ate it yesterday!!! giggLez..after that, walked kai and jasmine to the bus stop den i went home with darling..
went back to my home to get my bata shoes..need to bring to BATA to expand the front..but after expanding lk no diff leh..den my sister said my feet too big?? faintz..dunno la..juz hate wearing that kind of shoes..gif me blisters!!! so torturing!!! den ate dinner..NOT NICE! so dun wanna further elaborate..
darling was very sweeet..stayed with me to listen to my presentation even though he was having a headache..i kept repeating and he kept listening to correct my mistakes..thanx baby! he'z alwayz there for me when i need him..he's my precious darling!!! *hug titeLY!*
//all i want to do now is to thank MR. Cupid and MR. Fate for bringing us tgt..i will love u aLwayZ..-muCkz-//
in my past..
juz rched hme not long ago..went out with my darli...aiyoYo! in sch the birthday...
haPPY biRthDaY daRLinG!!!! let me sing u a song:...
went to sch for 1/2 houR onLy...had to gif tcher f...
OooOoH mY sHooOOtZ!!! mY daRliNG is witH me NOW!! ...
in the computer lab now!!! got comm skills exam la...
sigh..trying to do my HFM reflection now..faintz..... in sch lab xianz..suppose to do ...
was damn panic the whole morning today..culdnt go ...
oh my oh my!! i've got tons of stuffs to complete!...