aiyoOo...i nid to study Bus stats soOOn..and i mean..REAL SOON! urrgh..hate it..darling will be enjoying himself after 10.30 am today..hmm..hope everything goes well for him...and i can enjoy myself after tmr!!

will be going out with viy, xp, jas and see who else wanna come along!! we going shopPing!!! yay!! wanna buy many things!!! wooOOO..cant wait!!!

in my past..

my throat is itchy..feel lk skin is ...
weLL weLL sucha piG! took a 2 hrs nap!!!...
wooOOhOooo..ISLO paper over! left with 3 more pape...
my computer screen is flickering..gosh..tink spoil...
haPPy 4tH moNtH anNiveRsaRy mY preCioUs daRLinG!!!...
hmmm..i've learnt to put down my pride and solve a...
was bluffing and "bombiNg' my way thru during Hfm ...
yay! today's hfm paper...lala..i dunno y i "yay! b...
urrgh...feeling lk a big fat giant now! gosh..ate ...
purposely set the alarm clock at 8.45am so i can w...