Monday, December 01, 2003 at 12:09 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
hahaha...i have chubby cheeeks!!! damn! haha..tis shows that my face is putting on weight! haha..bad bad bad...
darling bought the Olympus Digi CaM!'s LIMITED EDITION! cuz he bought the Blue wan...yuPPie..and IM JEALOUS!!!! urrgh..but neh mind..i shall make him take loads of pictuRe of ME and only ME! hahaha...took some pictures today..haha..turned out NICE NICE!!! love em aLL! esp the ones i took with darling on the bus..haha..the old man sitting near us thot we were crazy cuz we forgot to off the Flash! haha...
went town to help mama do some stuffs which took nearly an hOUR! haha...den went over to habourfront to cHiLL..OH! btw, the new MOs CHicken@MOsBUrgeR is yuMMMY! go try it if u love chicken alot lk me! it's kidna sinfuL..but aiya..juz eat la huh! haha...YUppie..back to HAbourfront..haha..we went to StarbuCks to chiLL..den we took some weird pictures there..haha..daMn funNY! me and darling had a good laugh manz! gosh...cant be explain here cuz i dunno how to..=P
anyway, had loads of fun with darling today...=) sucha sweeetie to take so many pictures of me! haha...damn! im so inlove with myself!!! and of darling la...giggLEz..not forgetting that i love my freNz too..aND most imptly, i love my familY!!!!
i'm in a "hahaha" mood...madnesSSS!
in my past..
haPPy biRthdaY muMMY!!! went over to xueting's h...i saw JOANNA.P in town yesterday!!! *faintZ+meLtz*...
oh throat is hurting me!!!! so painfuL! an...
watched "Looney Tunes back in action" on MOnday..v...
i miss my darling!!! *smacKs myseLf* lalala..even ...
oh yah!! i took my results already...anyway, dun c...
oh man...met up with alice jie-jie and Gid chair-c...
oh man...gonna meet gidania for dinner tonite!!!!!...
lalaa..juz woke up..scary huh..5pm!! gosh..went Zo...
im still having slight cramps..sigh...i dun wanna ...