after 4 days of back to sch again..gosh! tons of stuffs for me to do...and i realised im running out of time..shit.

1) COver letter & resuMe (Fri 30/01)
2) MBS tutorials & mindmaps (Thurs 29/01)
3) MBS online Quiz (this weeK)
4) IFBsysOp peer teaching notes (this weeK)
5) Econs tutoriaL (Fri 30/01)
6) IFBsci fieldtrip (sOOOOn)
7) Comm skills online scenario
8) IFB proposaL scenario 1 (not so soOOn) many so many getting lazier and lazier..din attend MBS lecture again today..cuz it's too early in the morning already..some more it's on a monday...MONDAY BLUES! urrgh!

CNY was okie okie..loads of stuffs happened manz...but i shant elaborate further..cuz over already...hmm...anyway, first day of CNY, i won alot of money from gambling at my godma's hse...second day was at Gidania's hse...i din really win though..third day was at darling's hse...i lost till lk MAD! haha...dunno y...but darling super "wang wang!!!"...he won lk naturally, some of the money went to me!! la!! i not so greedy wan k! neh neh...

CNY redpackets getting lesser and lesser...faintz...totally peanuts manz! haha...buay tahan...but overall, i did enjoy myself...caught up alot of alice and gid...=)

to all those who came over my hse on the 2nd day! thank u for coming! wasnt really a goot host but hope all of u enjoyed urself...=)

am getting stresser and stresser as days go by...urrgh! i need more time to study..this semester's syllabus are all so squeezy!!! due to the shortening of each semester...f*cK!

went to sch quite late today..den bumped into alice jie jie on my way to the cargO glad to see her..sch reopened for so long..first time i bumped into her in sch canz? haha...

right i am complaining abt how much stuffs i haven completed..yet i din taKe the initiative to go stuDy..well well..i better go off to get my IFBsysoP notes done...urrgh.

in my past..

din blog for a few days again..damn busy..tsk tsk....
i haven been blogging for ONE WEEK! gosh..damn bus...
after viewing my own blog..i realised that i haven...
i tink tp's sch system kinda sucky loh...yesterday...
tired. tutorials suppose to end at 6pm..but the ma... usual...been blogging lesser and lesse...
haven been blogging for quite a while...busy la......
oh man...juz finished helping my granddad to write...
yaWnz...juz woke up not long agO...hmm... going o...
You don't have to drive a fancy car Don't have to ...