haven been blogging for quite a while...busy la...

30th Dec TueS
found out my timetable...shitty..though slacky but no CDS..i dun wanna rush two the next sem manz...shitty...and sth else spoiled my whole shopping mood..so in e end...stopped shoPPing and go hme earLy..

31st deC WeD
SHOPPING DAY! though still feeling all so shitty abt my timetaBLe...bought this STussy Red tOP!!!! woOO! i cant stand those arrogant bitches at STussY...puKEz...den bought this black top from Miss Selfridge...nice nice...=) den darling bought fleshiMP jeanS and RipCURL shorts...haha...nice nice...=) den bumped into jiemei and kai tgt at taKa...while i was in the changing room @Miss Selfridge...=) nice bumping into em on the last day of the yr!! =)

alvin kept asking us to go MonKS..but im BROKE!! and not in the mood oso..so in e end met his parents for diNNEr@maRChe...tgt with his sis...after that we went to watch movie@junction8...lalala...AnnA and the Kungfu dunno wan la...haha...i dozed off during the last 20 mins...too tired..midnite show somemore...so i count-ed-down in the cinema...haha..we watched 12.05am show..haha...my first show of the YEAR!!! sth special this yr..not lk the past...count-ed-down when clubbing....hmmm...

01st JaN THuRS 2004
went to watch GOLDEN CHICKEN 2.....damn damn fuNNY!!! go watch!! 4/5 stars...cuz some part is linked to GOLDEN CHICKEN 1...den culdnt see wad..but damn nice show loh..kinda meaningfuL...not very sexuaL though...worth $7.50...i dun lk the dubbing of their voices...damn disgusting...rather it be in cantonese...woOO! that will be GREAT! haha...after that i wanna go hme early...cuz it's been a few days since i last spoke to mama...so yuPPie...darling sent me home! den talked to mama loh...den helped her wrapped presents again...

02nd JaN fRi 2004
HAppY 6tH moNTh aNNivERsaRY sweetiE!!!! gosH! it's been 6 months already...which equaLs to half a yr...to me, lk wad i usually say..im lk stuck with u for DONKEY YEARS! haha...it's juz the kind of feeling..but no matter how long we are tgt...it's still the little special bond we share and the love we have for each other that counts...hope it's still going strong..=) during this 6 mths...really LOADS of things happened...happineSS..sadNEsS...anGEr..disaPPoinTmenT..lots more...but we are still surviving...giggLEz...there may be many miracles in life...but one miracLE whiCH hapPEneD tO me was 7 moNThS baCK...we met U thRu aLVin...tHougH u're alwaYZ the EVIL GUY who loved to disturb me...but i still thot u were and still are..a Gentleman...=) it was ur little gestures that attracted me-to-you...the way how u care for a girL and so on...still rem the breakfast day?! smiLEz..it will alwayz stay FRESH in my heart...lk it happened juz yesterday...cuz it's from...you-to-me...a very speciaL breakfast....where no other breakfast can be compared to...haha...i love u darling..smiLez...u wiLL alwayz be my speCiaL One...

in my past..

oh man...juz finished helping my granddad to write...
yaWnz...juz woke up not long agO...hmm... going o...
You don't have to drive a fancy car Don't have to ...
juz got back not long ago...had dinner at Lei Gard...
MERRY CHriStMAS!!! 24tH deC was home till late af...
ohHHh!! went shopping for loads of stuffs yesterda...
yay!! im BACK! haha...dunno how to describe those ...
oh man!! im feeling all so "fluffy" agaiN!! yay!! ...
oh well..im back from a long day out..not THAT lon...
a fren of mine shared with me sth she read from re...