ohHHh!! went shopping for loads of stuffs yesterdaY!!! love to carry loads of paper bags on my hands! haha..but darling alwayz help me to carry...hmmm...ahaa...anyway, went to taka in the afternoon to get xmas pressie for all my relatives...cuz i will be having a xmas dinner at my godma's hse...it's a tradition though...=) bought the kids choco! but those nice nice lovely packing wan la..den bought for the adults ROYCE'S choco & also cookies...bought 5 boxes of that..the packaging damn classly loh! haha..so heavy..den nid to wait damn damn long loh...so darling was kinda pissed...haha...and i was pissed toO! cuz there were loads of pple squeezing and pushing and all...urrgh!

mum juz asked me to go over to taka again today to get 2 more boxes of choco and some wrapping paper...tsk tsk...haf to Q again..darling's not free today..so i will go myself den...=) oH! and i still nid to buy red wine!! one for my godpa and one for darling's parents...cuz they bringing me out for xmas supper..haha...so i cant possibly go empty handed rite?!!!

i bought a skirt fRom fleshimp!!! haha...darling teased me yest...haha..he said i FINALLY owned a FLESHIMP plasticbag...cuz normally fleshimp plastic bag belongs to darling ma..only he will buy stuffs from there..but yest i saw tis damn nice skirt...fits perfectly!!! haha...so if i grow fat again..THAT'S IT man! hahaha....oso bought a red top from GIO...so cheap!!! $9.80 only loh...

den i saw this damn damn damn nice top from POA...woah!!! $58 yet doesnt really fit my body..so i still tinking if i shld buy...hmmm....darling wanna buy this jeans from fleshimp toO! but oso still considering...hee...we muz spend money wisely...=)

haha...darling was damn freaking freaking pissed last nite..he saw this damn wow! top at Quicksilver..den last piece..he tried..damn nice...den we walked out to call his parents if he shld buy...den when he can buy...TA-DA!!! this guy bought it...and NO MORE!! darling was cursing lk mad...haha...den went to PAC PLAZA..oso dun have..den went stussy to see this pink tOP..last piece toO! reserved some more!! worst...den his dad so gan cheong..said go citylink..den hurry go citylink...NO MORE stock oso..faintz...den i told him..."if it's meant to be urs..it'll be urs.."

went Newton Circus to eat duck hor fun...ultra spicy! but nice!!!! haha...den we ate there..yuMMy..after that darling's parents sent me home...=)

and my godma's getting me my YSL BabydoLL perfumE! haha...yay~! the limited edition wan...cuz she working at the airport..so cheaper than DFS...haha..

in my past..

yay!! im BACK! haha...dunno how to describe those ...
oh man!! im feeling all so "fluffy" agaiN!! yay!! ...
oh well..im back from a long day out..not THAT lon...
a fren of mine shared with me sth she read from re...
thanx to all who have showed their care and concer...
my heart is aching. it's bleeding. feeling dizzy. ...
hate cramps. in pain. upset. aLonE. wOndeR by doi...
im not feeling "fluffy" anymore...im feeling upset...
oh my gosh!!!!!! i love my blog so much! din noe g...
therez 1 mosquito bite on my cheek! 1 on my feet!!...