oh my god!!! i haven been blogging for 8 days!!! wow.

im done with peer appraisal. i was too lenient.

i'm now trying to attempt the IFBsci & ops quizes!!! haha...but i so scareD! cuz got time limit wan...shitty...

aiyO! one fieldtrip haven go, now second field trip start again...faintz...SO SO SO BUSY!!!!

haven been seeing darling for quite a while...nowadayz alwayz busy...cant really meet up..

oh oh oh!! i bought darling's v-day present already!!! i tink it's lk damn damn damn nice loH!!!!!!! woahahah...i looooOVe it manz!!! hope baby lks it too..=)

i love my blogskin..tink it's nice!

in my past..

You are one of the few out there whose wings aretr...
finished my resume and cover letter last nite..fin...
after 4 days of holidays..im back to sch again..go...
din blog for a few days again..damn busy..tsk tsk....
i haven been blogging for ONE WEEK! gosh..damn bus...
after viewing my own blog..i realised that i haven...
i tink tp's sch system kinda sucky loh...yesterday...
tired. tutorials suppose to end at 6pm..but the ma...
lalala...as usual...been blogging lesser and lesse...