friday 20th Aug 2004

went over to Brewerkz after sch with jac, zq & tatasha!! haha...the place was freaking crowded...i prefer the ambience over at Paulaner..oh well..but the strawberry ale is reallly goot!!! i love it!! it's $20/ bottle can be poured into 2 mUgs..haha..and the buffalo wings..super sour!!! haha..and therez this "roti-prata" thingy...haha..i DUN LIKE! but seems like tatasha's fave! giggglez...therez only ONE cute guy working there pathetic rite? haha...

Saturday 21st Aug 2004

had to go to my sis's sch for some "meet-the-parent" irritating..the sch has got NO air-con..and the weather was damn hot yesterday...faints..had to sit thru a 2 hr talk by the principal and respective HODs abt choosing subjects for sec 3...ended up, i sat there reading my boook!

after that, rushed home to catch was a great game. i like Li Jia Wei. i tink she's cute..a "Quiet Fighter" indeed..the N.korean woman kept shouting only..feel like stuffing a PAU into her mouth! and i hope everyone will still continue to support LJW even though she din get into the finals..LJW jia you! =P oh..btw, i tink that Ronald Susilo is cute. provided he doesnt talk. yikes!

in my past..

i had a tiring day today even though sch ended ear...
i had a tiring day today even though sch ended ear...
i had a tiring day today even though sch ended ear...
i feel like a foolio...damn...i shld better stop d...
suddenly, ive got alot of projects "popping" out..... feeling tired...gonna slp right after t...
i wont say that jay chou's 5th album is as great a...
woke up at 7am..bathed already..was about to prepa...
in the end, i din get to see the fireworks at espl...
im going to Esplanade later for the fireworks!! UN...