Monday, August 09, 2004 at 10:37 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
in the end, i din get to see the fireworks at esplanade last nite..but i saw it indirectly at was B-E-A-U-Tiful...=)
finally bought the pinK slippers..haha..but aint the pinky i like..but i NEED a yeah~
i need to buy new sandalS!! shopping spreee tmr!! hope i've the money...will be in sch for the graduation rehersal..yawNz..
the new coffeeclub outlet in front of planet fitness has got goot ambience...=) it's a lovely place to catch up with ya frenz..
driving was smoooth yesterday..very smoooth...the smooothest of makes me happy to be able to drive smoooothly...yay!
planning to cut my hair on wed!! i wont cut short..but maybe...fringe? oh well..we shall see...haha..
in my past..
im going to Esplanade later for the fireworks!! UN...THE REVENGE OF THE DIM SUM DOLLIES --> great perfo...
im affected.
din accomplish anything today..din touch my notes ...
mani&pedi was great today..i hope leigh enjoyed he...
smiLez..just went blog life rite? haha...
oh having painful..makes m...
im sick. giddy, vomity, fevery. hit the gym with...
went jogging again today..dunno why whenever i jog...
My eyes are like SEmi-shut was a lo...