im sick. giddy, vomity, fevery.

hit the gym with ziqi and marc..den badminton for 2 hrs tgt with jeslyn, tash, zq, brian & is a healthy, sporting day! den went to the library..borrowed 2 books..hope ive got time to read them..

i need a good rest. with the pretty weather now..rainy yet not windy..i hope to get a goot nite's rest..

in my past..

went jogging again today..dunno why whenever i jog...
My eyes are like SEmi-shut was a lo...
evangeline gave me Phuture's coaster..and it's fro...
you have succeeded. and as for me, i failed.   i'...
i've changed my mind..i dun wanna club..   i just ...
Oh man..should i stay for lecture or shld i not? i...
i bought the Swim Shadys album! mark chay is the g...
For the very first time, after we broke up, im wri...
i dunno how to put my thots down. i can no longer ...
things are screwing up again...fuck manz.. //i ne...