aiyoyo!! today's weather damn goot for tanning canz?! lk heLL!!! yesterday went sentosa with darling..but den no SUN! both of us so angry!!! urrGH!~ machiam WiND-cuM-cLouD-taNNing lidat!

anyway, after sentosa we went home..den brought my sister out for dinner..after dinner she wanna go sent her home..uh huh..decided to stay home loh..but den darling shy cuz my parents coming home from he din wanna stay at first..with loads of whining from me, he stayed..heeeheee...

muz start doing my project!!!!

//darling, thank u for staying with me yesterday even when ya feeling quite uncomfortable with my parents ard..=) i wan u to tuck me to bed everynite! i wanna slp in ya arms and feel ya hands on my face...your presence make me cant stop smiling & gRinNing to myself...i love u//

in my past..

Jealousy TesT Your score = 38 What does your...
aiyOYo! towN was SO sO sO damn crowded yesterday.....
lalala...had fun with davi, chris, menaa, feli, ja...
OH mY oH my!!!!! i've got 2 HUGE pimples on my fac... in a bad state now..fuck...i'm juz some u...
stupid oh geok teng!!!! she super duper ZHONG SE Q... feeling super fuLL and bloated!! feel ...
aNNouncement to Make: Miss sarah Low is giving UP ...
sigh..haven finish studying CSA (computer systems ... pms-y mood is BACK! urrgh..and who suffer...