nah nah nah...talking to darling now..earlier on had a very tiny weeny cold-war for a mini-short while...but very fast, everything was back to normal..=)

am damn hungry now!!!! neh eat dinner..only drank soup...shit la..hungry hungry!!!

anyway, i nid to buy a suit..saw it @SOuthHaven @$146..hmm...haven include the blouse..urrgh..gonna go try with mummy tmr~! den see whether she lks it not...

OH YAH!!! I BOUGHT A MINI-SKIRT FROM TANNLINES@AZTEC!!!! $69.00..mama bought it for me!! damn nice loh...yay!! so happy!! but it's shorter than e normal kind of skirt i will wear..giggLEz..but i love it!! damn nice!! darling loves it too! goot goot

aiya...cant update already..darling wans me to tok to him..he's weird-y today...whinNy BUM!!!! feel lk stranggling him!!! my gosh!!!!!!!

in my past..

stupid shit! comp went haywire again..den wadeva i...
opppsy! din update for nearly 3 days...hmmz... we...
urrgh..went to cousin's hse..suppose to scan all m...
aiyoyo!! today's weather damn goot for tanning can...
Jealousy TesT Your score = 38 What does your...
aiyOYo! towN was SO sO sO damn crowded yesterday.....
lalala...had fun with davi, chris, menaa, feli, ja...
OH mY oH my!!!!! i've got 2 HUGE pimples on my fac... in a bad state now..fuck...i'm juz some u...
stupid oh geok teng!!!! she super duper ZHONG SE Q...