f*ck!!! wad a "swaY" day manz!!! waited for bac at bedok for 20mins..bloody heLL! nO CAB canz? fuck loh..normally when i dun wan cob..alwayz LOADS of cabs! urrgh!!!! hate it..den now i super late for HFM lecture..dun dare to go in already la..scared later tcher scold..shit loh..today is revision lecture leh..i will surely lose out wan loh..cuz she giving tips..hate it! shall ask yvonne and see wad the lecturer said..weLL weLL weLL..now im rotting in the comp lab..damn nervous for the presentation later..wanna shit agaiN!!! btw, in the end, i took a bus to sch..how duMB?!!

therez another revision lecture at 10am..wad the heLL loh..hate computer applications!!! alalalla..my toes are all SQUASHED tgt!! so painfuL!!! how to walk? if tmr therez no impt lesson, im NOT GOING TO SCH!!!!! damn tired loh..haven been slping well manz..i hate all those dark circles!!! urrgh..

cant wait to go msia!! oh yeah...din update abt tis..giggLez..darling will be coming with me & my family to msia!!!! on 19th Dec!! yay!! cant wait!! we gonna take Plane tgt!!! giggLEz..darling's super ultra shy!!! haha..but i dun care! haha..book tickets already!!! hahaha..*woOOO~ i cant wait!!!*

in my past..

aiyO! stuPid frieNdster!! takinG yeaRs to Load!!! ...
juz rched hme not long ago..went out with my darli...
aiyoYo! in sch now..lalaa..in the lab..my birthday...
haPPY biRthDaY daRLinG!!!! let me sing u a song:...
went to sch for 1/2 houR onLy...had to gif tcher f...
OooOoH mY sHooOOtZ!!! mY daRliNG is witH me NOW!! ...
in the computer lab now!!! got comm skills exam la...
sigh..trying to do my HFM reflection now..faintz.....
aiyo..now in sch lab now..so xianz..suppose to do ...
was damn panic the whole morning today..culdnt go ...