Monday, November 10, 2003 at 9:09 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
oh weLL! i LooOOve mY neW haiRstyLE!!! haha..not exactly NEW hairstyle..but juz sth new? oh i NOT making any sense?? haha..anyway, william gave me a free treatment too! haha..he owed me that cuz he din gave me one when i highlighted my hair the other time..=) he's goot manz!! haha...gave me a nice haircut..hmm..but only after i bathe den i will noe if i really LOVE my new hairstyle..cuz yesterday after all the blowing and stuff..sure nice nice wan rite? so later i shall bathe and see how...=)
darling was ultra sweet yesterday..he came over and met me for brkfast...hee..we ended eating HANS lunch cuz no more brkfast...haha..den darling sent me up to the salon and he left to ALONE! he waited for me for 2 WHOLE HOURS!!!! i felt so so so so bAD!! thot only cut hair, so one hr shld be enuff ma..who noes i had to take 2 hrs? sorry really so guilty abt i shall treat him to brkfast's the THOT that counts rite?!?!? giggLEz...
really had loads of fun with darling...=) hahah..we were both laffing our lungs out in the cramp-y mrt!!!! haha...darling was so notti!!!! wanna use my hand to hit tis woman's butt! cuz she was practically lying her whole body weight on me...haha..den darling wan me to push her away..but lk no space not her fault ma..haha..but damn funny loh..hahah...he was trying to make me burst out laffing in the cramp mrt rite!?!? eviL ass....haha...
had tea-break at caRTeL...yuMMY...haha...den darling went over to taka to look for his mum and relatives..i shy i waited for him at orchard library...haha...
//i'm so glad tat we're both enjoying each other's company...i loooOve u baby..//
in my past..
went shopping again yesterdaY! bought a nice juz some giRRL whO is paraNoiD!!! damn...being ...
oh MaN!!! juz hope that BUs stats will be easy tmr...
aiyoOo...i nid to study Bus stats soOOn..and i mea...
my throat is itchy..feel lk skin is ...
weLL weLL sucha piG! took a 2 hrs nap!!!...
wooOOhOooo..ISLO paper over! left with 3 more pape...
my computer screen is flickering..gosh..tink spoil...
haPPy 4tH moNtH anNiveRsaRy mY preCioUs daRLinG!!!...
hmmm..i've learnt to put down my pride and solve a...