Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 9:33 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
stupid Blogspot cant be viewed..so i cant do any blog surfing...xianz...
went to watch ELF with darling today at Great WOrld...nice nice shoW!!! kinda touching..it gives me and darling the CHristmas-y kind of mood!! yay! haha...darling's finally into ChristMAs!!! hee...
oh yah! den i saw this damn nice dress at tis shop@great world..$49.90..woOO! wanna buy it for Chinese NEw year!!! urrgh! cant wait to try and show mama!!! darling said it was nice..but commented that the sales girl was OVERLY frenly cuz she kept standing beside me and talked...so darling din wanna interrupt her..juz smile when he felt that it was nice? =) *huggiez*
was suppose to wake up at 8 in the morning to meet darling for a jog at SerangooN stadiUm..but mama forgot to wake me up..so i woke up at abt 10 plus..damn lazy to go all the way down to serangoon..so i took a cab dowN! wasted loads of money on cab today...sigh..den i ran abt 3 rounds on the track and THAT's it!! haha...damn tired loh...den while darling was still running, i gave up and went to do some situps..=) gosh...it's been more than one yr since i last did any running..aha...i muz RUN MORE!! daRLing muz be my motivation...he can run manz...haha...and for the first time after SO SO SO LONG! i wore trackshoeS! haha...first time darling sees me in trackshoes...first time he sees me perspiring lk mad and all..haha..first time darling sees me getting so OUT OF BREATH! haha...gosh...so many many "first time" todaY! *wiNKz*
New computer is "coming" over tmr~! lalala....dread all the uploadings! damn!
//sweetie! had loads of fun with u today!!! =) thank U!! i love u!! *mUCkz*//
in my past..
lalala..been long since i last update...hee...kind...im sneezing lk mad! gosh...my nose is ultra itchy!...
fuck....wadever i juz typed juz DISAPPEARED...bloo...
hahaha...i have chubby cheeeks!!! damn! haha..tis ...
haPPy biRthdaY muMMY!!! went over to xueting's h...
i saw JOANNA.P in town yesterday!!! *faintZ+meLtz*...
oh man..my throat is hurting me!!!! so painfuL! an...
watched "Looney Tunes back in action" on MOnday..v...
i miss my darling!!! *smacKs myseLf* lalala..even ...
oh yah!! i took my results already...anyway, dun c...