got this thingy from Xueting's blOg..smiLez..interesting...

10 Years Ago,I...
**was in Primary 2..
**scored above 95% for English, Chinese & Maths..
**loved to play Barbie doLLs & Cooking sets..
**longed to hug my bloster wherever i went..

5 Years Ago,I...
**got into Crescent Girls' School..(13 yrs old)
**HATED the sch & the PEOPLE! except my classmates.
**stopped giving a damn abt my studies..
**mixed with the SUPER SALA company OUTSIDE sch..

3 Years Ago, I...
**had a serious r/s with a girl..
**realised my priorities..
**clicked well with janice, felicia and all..
**din expect to fall in love with any guys.

A Year Ago,I...
**found myself falling inlove with this guy, MX..
**became closer to my family & friends..
**started poly..made lotsa new frenz..
**transformed into a SHOPAHOLIC!

This Year I...
**turned 18!!! learning driving..-smiLEz-
**became even closer to my family..
**began to think..REALLy think abt the Future.
**read more novels than eveer!!!

Yesterday I...
**Met my cousin, Dawn, for a shopping spree!
**SPent money on clothes AGAIN.
**Had my FIRST driving lesson on THE ROAD..with CARS!!
**sLept on my bed with new Butterfly Sheets from AussiNo..

Today, I...
**am sad. cuz darling seems weird after yesterday's bball match. SIGH.
**went for my FIRST ultra-souND scaN at Raffles Hospital..
**finish reading SHOPAHOLIC & SISTER (Thumbs UP!!!) & also finish watching the VCDs.
**became a little thrifty..smiLez..

Tomorrow, I...
**Might be catching "Confession of A Teenage Drama QUeen" with darling..
**will be looking forward to dad's arrival!!
**HOPE i will spend MINIMAL amt of money..
**wanna be in YOUR arms..

in my past..

HappY 11tH month AnniversaRY sweeethearT!!! -smiLe...
dad will be going for a business trip to china tmr...
borrowed the book: Shopaholic & Sister!!! that's ...
visited my cousin in the hospital again today, but...
"THE CATCH" by MARK MASON *HOw to impress A Woman...
am currently reading a book, THE CATCH by Mark Mas...
laws of attraction was pretty nice..worth $6.50..=...
went to breeks to eat! so yuMMY! the chips was nic...
HAPPY birthdaY sheRYL.S!!!!! -smiLez- lalala...i'...
Artist: Guy Sebastian Album: More Just As I Am Tit...