Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 10:49 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
sore throat. urrgh. uncomfy.
anyway, i've a new cousin! ignatius. baby boy. borned on 21st Nov 2004. looking forward to seeing him. =)
met geok today. had fun searching for her prom-nite stuffs. this woman is flying off to japan on thurs. how lucky. i wan to tag along toO! haha. we enjoyed walking in the rain with a BLACK umbrella. haha. and the "folding and unfolding" of my jeans was kinda irritating. overall, wonderful wonderfuL! haha. i confiscated her hp and started taking pictures of myself. haha. well well. now that A's over, both of us can meet up more often! yay! =) neh neh.
next up, gonna meet wing and tao tmr for kbox. again. im suppose to enjoy it, but now with a sorethroat. hmm. cant be bothered la. just sing. haha.
i will be going for the electronics exhibition at expo with twinnie on sat. it's decided that im going to forgo mini-ipod for digicam. wise choice? (leave me a tag soon..before i get it.)
in my past..
haha. someone questioned me if i live in MARS. hah..."open the windows..open the.."
i love this too.
this looks pretty. i like.
haha. alvin push my head!
**long post** im back from KL. the wedding dinne...
i'll leave it to God to decide if you belong to me.
just woke up. =) lucky me. poor twinnie. he's got ...
patchie! aint she lovely?
me and my bunny tooth!