i have been snapping at everyone and almost, anyone. including those parents whom i have to talk to, either over the phone or face to face. aint in the best of moods.

i just tink that the entire world dun understand what is going thru my mind now. this is with regards to my future- career & studies.

just had a discussion with my mum. guess everything is settled now. oh well.

and i haven had the chance to really talk to my bf. haven seen him for nearly a week? our schedule clashed like mad.

i won myself a free ettusias make-over. haha. lucky or wad?

in my past..

i was tagged by lahling jazzy. so here i am, doing...
finally saw my dearest jasmine last night. getting...
now now. i haven updated my blog for two weeks. be...
at the same Jap restaurant. our 2nd visit. 11th ap...
those surfers at the beach. the cafe is named drea...
we were f-ing burnt. SUNBURNT. magnificent view fr...
at the temple. all my fault. i asked baby to take ...
we had to climb and crawl. to see this.  
we were all tired...and wet. from the waves.  
to my horror! there's a steep flight of stairs!!!!