Life has been good.
3 days leave have been approved! =)
2 days for baby when he comes back from jakarta.
1 day in dec for my sis bday party.

baby went fishing after work yesterday, at 2am.
MMS me the creature that he caught, JELLYFISH!!
he slept at 7am, so i will call and ask him more abt the jellyfish later.

went ikea yesterday with sheena sweets.
had the yummy curry fish head.
and after that, both of us were having very bad gastric.
we literally STARVED & STUFFed ourselves.

im trying my best to shit. but i cant.
having super bad constipation.
i drank 4 bottles of yakult. the green ones.
then, i purposely eat fish head curry yesterday.
and had tom yam for lunch today.
my stomach is still so bloated.
need to shit badly. =(

in my past..

Our Department Chalet: 28/10/2006 (somewhere in Pa...
was at baby's last night.went to work feeling so m...
i did the craziest thing today. went to work. dres...

i did the most RA thing at work today. wait till m...
baby had a talk with his dad last night.uncle stan...
dinner at my aunt's place later. after work still ...
i miss sch, miss the girls, miss the food. Happy ...
oh boy. ive got so many nice pictures to post. but...
guess wad. the boy is working all the way str8. 3a...