i miss sch, miss the girls, miss the food.

Happy advanced bday aunty geok!

siblings love to snatch tidbits.

the elder one, lydia, the younger one, lynette.

D&D at Ritz last week. Peter & Leonie Evenden, plus me & carol

in my past..

oh boy. ive got so many nice pictures to post. but...
guess wad. the boy is working all the way str8. 3a...
i tink im becoming deaf. i speak loudly at work. h...
okay. this gonna sound mushy. but is my blog, so i...
woke up feeling like shit today. thanks to the flu...
i feel sick. =(headache. throat itchy. feel shiver...
uploaded this pic cuz of tiff. only this pic has h...
erm...abit retarded. but that's how we are! hahaha...
another "taiwan-style" hahaha.  
woooo....the 4 of us.