My grandma is feeling better.
Thank you every one for your care, concern and prayers.

I went to Guan Yin temple to pray on tues after school.
and I thank xin xin for praying for my grandma too. very gan dong that u remember my ah ma in your daily prayers too. hugs.

anyway, she's been more cheerful lately. but she keeps wanting to hold the wok and cook soon. we need to keep an eye on her. overall, she is more positive. celebrating her bday on the 20th! hope to see her happy and enjoying herself.

Christmas shopping almost done! yay! more gatherings to come. =)

Heartbreak kid is kinda funny. haha. i kind of enjoy it.

*i love you baby. Love Love Love.*

in my past..

My Fun-filled Weekend!! 7/12/07 - iKEA see how bab...
Kindly refer to: canoepolo.blogspot.comAlvin and h...
7/12/07, Friday Dearest sister. Happy 17th birthda...
Sunday: 02/12/07 yes, you saw it correctly. it's M...
Saturday: 01/12/07 (Advanced Bday Celebration for ...
Friday: 30/11/07 herbal chicken soup with rice @ G...
29/11/07 - Happy Birthday Mummy. i love you. and y...
i still prefer driving auto car.tried out manual c... above ...