guess what? my digi cam finally died on me after 5 donkey years.
it just blacked out when i tried to take a picture of myself.
even after i charged the batter, still unable to switch it on.
terrible. and my viewty's camera is not very good. and the damn USB cable for viewty is not working. where do i get pictures for my blog now? damn.

btw, i finished my essay last night at 3am. i woke up today at 8am to touch up abit.
now, im left with editing. bless me.

will be attending my niece's full month celebration tmr. cant wait to see the baby girl! yay!!

in my past..

Another 1500 more words to go! About 5-6 more page...
Jasmine in a TUBE dress.... ...
Look who is here on a Rainy Sunday? xaria baby! s...
National Day Breakfast! a bratwurst, back bacon, s...
today's date is 08/08/08.tonight's toto draw is $8...
i know i know. ever since i came back from BKK,i p...
i miss my baby. =(Sundays past so fast these days....
Yummy Jap Dinner: 1/8/08 located at PSA building, ...
i get really moody these few days.i cant seem to w...
Dating Day: 27/7/08 it's been a long long while si...