baby charlene's 1st month celebration!

"yay! i am almost one month old!"

"i wanna start learning how to dance!"

"ohhh...i want mummy to carry...=(..."

"are they my papa and mama??"

"oh no no no..the one carrying me now is then my mummy.."


aunty MJ and baby charlene.

all the aunties and jiejies came together to celebrate this joyous day!
Baby Javelle's portfolio
"i show you all my two little teeth!"

"eeee. this aunty always call me HAMBURGER!!! but i know she loves me alot. always give me wear new clothes! "

i had so many sweets on my hand. but she's like not excited leh.

"haiya. what is this big jiejie doing?"

someone is getting sleeepy...

"i found my favourite giant piglet!"

see javelle's leg. she practically hugged the piglet machiam like her bolster!

"no matter what. i will not let go. hold tight tight."

"this aunty and uncle always want me to take fake family picture with them. but they are nice to me, so i take happily with them!"

"yay!! back to the hands of my own mummy and daddy!!"

"im so happy. let piglet smell my feet!"

dancing time!!

i tink she wanna cry already...

see eyes wet wet, nose red red.

that's all. =) go ahead and steal the pics girls.

i had fun seeing all of them. cindy jie jie is looking really good and radiant after giving birth. next meet up session will be our little "actress" birthday! cant wait! thanks cindy jiejie for the buffet! yummy.

btw, baby bought me a pink carebear keychain to make me smile. i am really happy that he surprised me with the keychain. even though it is nothing expensive, but i appreciate the fact that he loves me and want to make me happy. thank u baby.

in my past..

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