Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 11:46 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Outdated Post.
leave me a msg on my tag if u are interested! haha.
AND THE WINNER FOR "BEST BIRTHDAY SMS" THIS YEAR goes to zq!!! see what he sent me...
AND THE WINNER FOR "BEST BIRTHDAY SMS" THIS YEAR goes to zq!!! see what he sent me...
(so many typos! he is the MENSES. and I am the PAD. so i am the 卫生绵)
i LOL when i saw it. haha. thank u all for so many lovely sms/msges. appreciate all your love.
in my past..
happy birthday to me.i requested for a non hoo-haa...i hate school.i hate projects.i hate tests.i hate ...
LaViVa!! we always have a special place in each ot...
A Happy Thursday. this pic was taken 3 yrs ago. du...
Guess? what's this for?? being treated like a prin...
Ettusais Private Event ...Birthday Party for Feb B...
Timbre with my Family. fave hangout at the moment....
只剩下钢琴陪我站在这里梦想中属于我们的婚礼却成了单人结婚进行曲在这场爱情角力的拔河里爱我还是爱你 你...
TINY PICTURES.the above are pictures of yu sheng. ...
In Love with Colours!!! Guess what's this new Ettu...