the above are pictures of yu sheng. i have no bloody idea how and why it turned out so TINY on blogspot. pls click to enlarge! urrgh!

belated pics. on eve of CNY. celebrated my cousin's bday and we had reunion dinner.

my outing with baby xaria. click to see her cute expressions! really makes me wanna have a baby NOW! haha.

anyway, i did into a collage version cuz these pics are frm baby's cam. each pic is 6M!!! if i upload one by one, think it's gonna take gazillion years!

in my past..

In Love with Colours!!! Guess what's this new Ettu...
just to add.i bought 3 wallets today.they are not ...
TAXI UNCLE & MARRIAGE.....i dunno why, but taxi un...
I cried so bad when i read this: http://www.charle...
i logged on to msn at 2pm, feeling so lethargic an...
HAPPY OX YEAR EVERYONE!...23rd Jan - Fri - Chinato...
Today, i had my first taste of caviar.i dun really...
A letter. ...from who? ETTUSAIS!...anyone wanna co...
Let's see. My WIL 2 individual assignment progress...
Clearance for CNY. credits: tracyeinny.livejournal...