i logged on to msn at 2pm, feeling so lethargic and restless.
WIL 2 project has been driving all of us nuts!
was planning to continue doing my WIL, when Iris, Ettusais's Marketing Exec, msn me!
"go check ur email!!"

i logged on to hotmail, and i saw an email from Iris, subject: "Happy Birthday".
i was thinking, maybe it's the "Ettusais Birthday Party" for their members.

".....ettusais would like to present you with a little gift . The best part is you get to choose your own gifts this time round. Please pick $100 - $115 worth of your favourite ettusais products! Log on to our website at www.ettusais.sg and spree now!"

i feel so happy, excited and honoured that i get to pick my own birthday gifts from Ettusais! i spent nearly 45mins looking through their site, and managed to pick 4 make-up essentials that i always use!!! One of them is my fave "Medicated Acne Gentle Make Off"!! my stocks are running low at home! haha. what a good opportunity for me to stock uP! will reveal the rest once i get hold of them! =)

Once again, THANK YOU ETTUSAIS for pampering me on my birthday month! I LOVE YOU!!!

What a start to OX YEAR!!! i feel so blessed. and happy. and lucky!!

in my past..

HAPPY OX YEAR EVERYONE!...23rd Jan - Fri - Chinato...
Today, i had my first taste of caviar.i dun really...
A letter. ...from who? ETTUSAIS!...anyone wanna co...
Let's see. My WIL 2 individual assignment progress...
Clearance for CNY. credits: tracyeinny.livejournal...
Missing my Primary School Friends. this is my prim...
i find my Marketing Principle lecturer, Miss Vena ...
Learn about Ettusais (Eh-tu-say).Means: "You know ...
Ettusais has just uploaded all our promotional pic...
Ettusais "WEAPONS" revealed.1) EYE ZONE MASSAGING ...