Missing my Primary School Friends.

this is my primary 3 or 4 class. i forgot. having PE. this teacher was a relief teacher. the girls and the boys loved her cuz she was so slack with us! haha. can u spot me? these little boys and girls have all grown up. i still keep in contact with a couple of them. and i rem most of their names. ;)

First row from the front: LEFT: quen quen (red, with a 'YAY" hand sign), Sumei (green with watch), man man (green), summer (blue, behind man man), yu min (yellow), huiling - i tink (the one in specs and fist on her chin), siti mariam (next to yellow yumin), lay choo (red), kah hwee (blue), jasmine (green, tied hair).

Second row, sitting down: LEFT: Anslem (blue), joshua (green), hui fang (in full sch uni), louis lau (red, standing), teacher (forgot her name), hong fei (blue), sarah (blue), wei shan (yellow).

Third row, kneeling down: LEFT: louis tan (yellow, behind anslem), wesley (blue), rong quan (in full sch uni), long xing (in full sch uni), donald duck (red), gee meng (green, behind donald duck), raymond (red, he caused me to fall and sprained my ankle!), De xi (yellow).

the rest that i din mention, sorry ah. forgot ur names!!! omg. haha...

this is summer nway oo ngae (blue, centre)! haha. i remember her full name!!! am still in contact with her!

can spot me not?

this donald duck is full of nonsense. i wonder where is he now.

from lizhen. she left our sch to join another primary sch. i forgot when was it. i am still in contact with her on facebook! =)

YI LAO SHI. our chinese teacher. she very soft-spoken one. very kind. i wonder if she is still ard?

anslem and louis lau. haha. louis is now a great photographer, based in london. busy busy! what happen to anslem? and i rem he has got a younger sister.

we have joshua, dunno who, long xing, kelvin and donald duck. haha. i dunno what happen to them. but i know kelvin is now a policeman! haha. have u wondered from this pic that he will grow up and be a policeman? haha. but i am glad that he's got a great career. well done dude!!

all our little ah bengs in class. haha.... louis tan sitting on the cupboard. dunno issit see chiobu-s! haha.

wai chit. another one, dunno where is he. no news at all too.

our canteen aunty with a relief teacher. she was selling tibits previously.

this is lizhen. she's taking pictures of all of us before leaving for another sch.

swe swe and summer. both from myanmar.
i feel happy looking through all my primary sch pictures. am glad i took these pictures!

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