A beautiful Thursday.

can u guess where is this place?

baby brought me and sam to TWG Tea Salon & Boutique.
Located at: Republic Plaza, 9 Raffles Place #01-22.

(i've been hearing so much abt this TEA place from baby. he knows i love tea and hate coffee. so he always wanted to bring me there, but the timing wasnt right, cuz they are only open on Weekdays, till 8pm. close on Sat & Sun. but baby was ON LEAVE today! so yay!)

nice place. good ambience. suddenly feel so nostalgic. like back in the 60s. this place can only hold up to about 20 pax only. very limited seating capacity.

deep in thoughts...

i like this. =)

i super LOOOOOVE this candid shot of us. thanks sam! ;)
my current FAVOURITE pic!

they have an extensive tea list. from black tea, to red tea, to green tea, to white tea, to flower tea, etc. there's about more than 80 types! it's like a WINE CELLAR, just that this is a TEA CELLAR.
when i read the menu, i was super duper confused!! there were so many pretty names...i.e. "Geisha Blossom Tea", "First Kiss", "Christmas Lights Tea", "Grand Wedding Tea", "Magic Flute Tea", "Pink Garden Tea" and the list goes on and on and ON!!!
u can also request to smell the tea before ordering. no prob with that. but i was too shy to do so. imagine smelling HUNDREDS of tea leaves and still dunno what i want!

the brothers.
sam will be going back to aussie this sat! =( and he wont be back till 2 yrs later due to some immigration issue. hopefully i will save enough money to go aussie for a short holiday after my exams!

the friendly service staff realised that i was kinda lost after reading their menu. he took the initiative to explain to me the different types of tea. i shot him a "i am still not sure what i want to order" look. haha. so he recommended "White House Tea". He said it's an all-time fave for female patrons.
the "White House Tea" is EXCELLENT. Ladies! a MUST-TRY! it's light and very very fragrant. i dunno how to describe to all of u. BUT, i smelled it, then tasted it. instantly, i felt very happy and was smiling to myself. every sip of tea i took, i smiled.
plus good music.. comfy armchair. so relax on a weekday noon. having high-tea with my loved ones. i felt that i was almost like a tai-tai!
that aside, i was really amazed by the taste of this tea. $7.50 for the above. worth every cent. u cant get this any where else.
baby ordered a choco cake with some tea leaves as decor.

i ordered a single scoop of earl grey chocolate ice-cream. very thick! not too bad. but i only tasted choco. there was no traces of EARL GREY!

just visit http://www.twgtea.com for more information on the menu! and learn more abt tea!

the fact that baby was bought a good camera, we get to take pictures everywhere, all the time! haha. another candid one la.

a proper one. but i dun like him taking from a low angle. i look weird!

i was the photographer. *proud* nice hor?

back to my house, in the lift, also take. haha.

sam was craving for POR KEE Eating House at 69 Seng Poh Lane (opp tiong bahru market). very traditional chinese style resturant. plenty of loyal japanese customers. they have their menu in japanese too! how cooL!
Best to make reservation for dinner: 6221 0582. always packed! unless u dun mind sitting outside the TENT like US! haha.
some of their signature dishes: champagne pork ribs (small - $14); steamed fish thai style; home-made braised tofu; live prawns; yam paste (dessert - small - $10/ individual bowl $5 each).
p/s: rem not to order the champagne pork ribs (1 for $6) individual portion. the meat is SUPER DUPER TOUGH! worst than chewing 20 gums!

steamed live prawns thai style! SHIOK! the prawns were so big and sweet. $20 for the small portion, 8 prawns.
the rest of the food. too hungry to take. sorry peeps! haha.

can u see that we were really really really VERY VERY VERY FULL?
our dinner today: 4 rice, 1 steamed fish thai style, 1 champagne ribs small, 1 veggie small, 1 "san bei ji", 1 steamed live prawns thai style, 1 pot of tea, 1 plate of "ah zhar" = around $100.
then headed to esplanade for some sea, or rather, RIVER BREEZE.
am looking forward to another GREAT weekend!!! cant wait.
i hate assignments.................=(

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