my brilliant weekend!

**Saturday night**

we met sam and headed to balestier for yummy bah kut teh in the middle of the night! (see how i put on weight now? haha..)

baby testing his "multiple shots" function on his new camera! gigglez.

i looked scary here.. sam is heading back to aussie this sat. so we try to satisfy as much of his food cravinga as possible when he's in sing! we are so gonna miss u!! will try and visit u in june..


met up with sam at starbucks. the boys decided to do some test shots with baby's new Panasonic DMC-LX3. so clear right?? omg. it's a super sleek and sexaaayy camera! really. worth the money cuz of the LEICA lens. i make baby promise to take many pretty pictures OF ME and WITH ME! ;)

another test shot. without flash. (btw, we were at thai express. my fave.)

now it's with flash. nice hor? =)

my little boy.

met up for ONG BAK 2! stupid show. pls dun watch. i slept during the movie. woahaha.

yay! finally a picture of us tgt. it's been a while since we last took a pic like that. =)

my fb profile pic. =) love.
(oh btw, this blue top i bought from bugis village. at $22. damn cheap. meant to be for CNY. but i just couldnt wait and wore it on sunday. oppps.)
projects are piling up. im so scared. cuz im overloaded this sem. =(

in my past..

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