Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 12:29 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
juz woke up!!! *yaWnz* it's been real looooOg since i last slpt till so late! even on weekends, i had to wake up damn early to do proj..FINALLY manz..i can slp till so late..feel so gooT!
yesterday's presentation was alright..jasmine was little gan cheong..but neh mind la! it's over..*huGGiez* dun tink abt it already k? tcher said i was generally ok..but i din haf some body movements..so muz improve on that..yeah..den after that went to get my comm skills result..i BARELY passed..
met darling after sch..he sent me home..changed already den went scotts to eat beef nOodLes!! yuMMY! after that went Cargo buy cups..lallaal..the cup i wanted no more already..neh neh shit..but den i dun care..so bought another wan..wanted to go play pool..den Viy called to tell me jas they all wanna go esplanade..den called her loh..so we met up and went esplanade tgt..so nice so romantic..hee..den everyone was there..got kai&jas, zq&jac, cass, karene, joseph, min, geraldine, hannah..had fun with em..=)
wah!!! i tell u ar!!! i cannot stand friendster anymore!!!! loading for so long still nth..bang sai loh! urrgh!
anyway, no sch today!!! wEeE~! haha..weather is goot today..so shall go tanning with my love! haha..see whether he wanna go sentosa not..cuz i wan..i dun lk to tan at swimming pool..gigglez...I AM HUNGRY!!!!! lalala...
in my past..
f*ck!!! wad a "swaY" day manz!!! waited for bac at...aiyO! stuPid frieNdster!! takinG yeaRs to Load!!! ...
juz rched hme not long ago..went out with my darli...
aiyoYo! in sch now..lalaa..in the lab..my birthday...
haPPY biRthDaY daRLinG!!!! let me sing u a song:...
went to sch for 1/2 houR onLy...had to gif tcher f...
OooOoH mY sHooOOtZ!!! mY daRliNG is witH me NOW!! ...
in the computer lab now!!! got comm skills exam la...
sigh..trying to do my HFM reflection now..faintz.....
aiyo..now in sch lab now..so xianz..suppose to do ...