oh goOOsh!!!! my Lip is tearing...so painfuL..numb numb...*oUch* urrGh...

darling came over to meet me for brkfast...heee..and i kept my promise! i treated him to brkfast today...haha...went over to darling's hse to scan pictures..den played "THe Sims" (SuperstaR version)...damn funny..sat in front of the comp for nearly 5 hrs!!! haha..we built the damn hse for YEARS manz..giggLez...but it's kinda nice..haha...in the process of building our house..we were both laffin at each other's ideas..muhaha..so funnY!

darling is still out with his family..hmmm..gonna meet geok tmr to catch up! it's been YEARS!!! after that gonna meet xue-er to celebrate her bday...anyway, xue-Er, HAPPY 17th biRtHday!!!

and tmr is also my beloved baby cousin bday...haPPy 3rd BiRthdaY swEEtie!!!

in my past..

oh weLL! i LooOOve mY neW haiRstyLE!!! haha..not e...
went shopping again yesterdaY! bought a nice bag.....
im juz some giRRL whO is paraNoiD!!! damn...being ...
oh MaN!!! juz hope that BUs stats will be easy tmr...
aiyoOo...i nid to study Bus stats soOOn..and i mea...
my throat is itchy..feel lk coughing...my skin is ...
weLL weLL weLL...am sucha piG! took a 2 hrs nap!!!...
wooOOhOooo..ISLO paper over! left with 3 more pape...
my computer screen is flickering..gosh..tink spoil...
haPPy 4tH moNtH anNiveRsaRy mY preCioUs daRLinG!!!...