Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 1:00 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
yay! am using my new computer now!! woOO!!! goot goot...i like the keyboard!!!
haha...luckily i bought the new iKEa table..cuz loads of things to put manz...haha...den so many wirings..gosh..hope i juz dun get electric shock and die...
it's raining manz!!! faintz...gonna go shopping with mama and sister for new yr clothes!! woOO! haha...i cant wait to shoP! but i dun lk to shop when the weather is lidat...i lk windy windy weather..but not raining?
wonder how darling's gonna go swimming?? haha...*eviL laughTerS!* aiYooo....wont be able to see darling until sunday!??? cuz he got loads of class outings...haha...busy ass...
in my past..
stupid Blogspot cant be i cant do any b...lalala..been long since i last update...hee...kind...
im sneezing lk mad! nose is ultra itchy!...
fuck....wadever i juz typed juz DISAPPEARED...bloo...
hahaha...i have chubby cheeeks!!! damn! haha..tis ...
haPPy biRthdaY muMMY!!! went over to xueting's h...
i saw JOANNA.P in town yesterday!!! *faintZ+meLtz*...
oh throat is hurting me!!!! so painfuL! an...
watched "Looney Tunes back in action" on MOnday..v...
i miss my darling!!! *smacKs myseLf* lalala..even ...