well well..one more day to my bday...one more day and i'll be eighteen! finally im done with all my assignments! gotta study hard for my mid-sem test...oh oh oh! am so scared that i will fail or sth..better hope i will pass...at least a PASS!

sigh...rushed 2 reports last nite...tired...den talked to darling..but guessed i made a big fuss last nite for sth that happened quite long ago...sigh...he ignored my msg...sigh...

what has this world come to?

anyway, jasmine and natasha bought me bday presents!!! so sweet of them!!! gosh...this very pretty bracelet from perlini's!!! damn nice loh...and im wearing it now...=) and they bought me this piglet bolster...haha..cute!

family gonna celebrate my bday tonite! going out to eat....yuMMy...can see darling...finally...after 2 days...sigh...

bought CLEO mag! it's about GUY'S PENIS! haha...interesting...hahahaha....

geok and cindy coming over for today's openhouse...lalala..shall bring them around!

//sorry baby...sigh...i love u//

in my past..

gosh......im so so so tired!!! brain-dead. totally...
i failed the bloooooooody IFBsysOps quiz!!!!!!!!!!...
oh my god!!! i haven been blogging for 8 days!!! w...
You are one of the few out there whose wings aretr...
finished my resume and cover letter last nite..fin...
after 4 days of holidays..im back to sch again..go...
din blog for a few days again..damn busy..tsk tsk....
i haven been blogging for ONE WEEK! gosh..damn bus...
after viewing my own blog..i realised that i haven...