Monday, May 22, 2006 at 12:21 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
yesterday was a bad day at work. dun wanna talk abt it. *pui*
been thinking alot abt my future & what i want as a career. there's always plenty of choices, but whether i can make it anot is another thing. i've decided to put the as a flight attendant on hold first. most importantly now is to further my studies, do well and get a degree. sent in my application today. will get the application result in 3 weeks time. i hope i get in. if i do, chances will be that i end up in a totally different industry. nah, no link to my hospitality dip. man. haha.
mummy has been really supportive and encouraging. so is daddy and everyone else. it's not a small sum of money, but my parents are trying their best to give me the education that i need. im really grateful. be sure that i will repay them once i get a full time job. true to a certain extent that since young, my parents pampered me quite a bit. i will get wad i want. they will also try to give me as much as they can. take for instance, piano classes. they had to pay for my classes as well as my sister's. then came art lessons. for the both of us. my mother always buy nice clothings for us during CNY. she din let us wear old stuffs. den i took up driving lessons. once i got my license, dad changed to a new car. do u noe that daddy always drive second-hand cars after he got a family? i was touched. really. parents give up almost everything for their kids. some even took out all their cpf money to fund their kids' education overseas. this is how impressive parenthood can change one person. my mum used to spend all her salary on LV/ GUCCI. my dad? during his lavish days, he changed cars like nobody's business. at the age of 18, he drove a brand new merc, credited to his mum, of cuz! haha. after i was born, they scrimped and saved. just for me. and then, they had to scrimp and save even more, after my sis was born. sigh. i want to be a parent too. so i can give the best to my child. =)
i love my daddy and mummy! plus ah ma & ah gong. and everyone else in the family who has contributed one way or another in my life. haha. muacks.
in my past..
i have been snapping at everyone and almost, anyon...i was tagged by lahling jazzy. so here i am, doing...
finally saw my dearest jasmine last night. getting...
now now. i haven updated my blog for two weeks. be...
at the same Jap restaurant. our 2nd visit. 11th ap...
those surfers at the beach. the cafe is named drea...
we were f-ing burnt. SUNBURNT. magnificent view fr...
at the temple. all my fault. i asked baby to take ...
we had to climb and crawl. to see this.
we were all tired...and wet. from the waves.