Sunday, October 07, 2007 at 10:52 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
baby's birthday party!!
our birthday boy, with his new marc ekco's watch. 

food food! a very simple fare.
k.O.F! they can play for HOURS and HOURS.
baby xaria no love me. =(
mummy and daughter. mich and celestine.
she love cheezels.
mich and me.
happy 24th birthday baby. (actual date is 10/10, wednesday)the wordings on the cake sucks. but this lychee martini cake taste good.

yes i know. i look fat here. bah-bah.
blow a candle. and make a wish.
brothers for life. with sam.
i call them the "toa-payoh gang" on my msn contacts. haha.
baby with brian & family.

finger licking good! yummy!
he had enough of me taking pictures. haha
finally a decent pic of ME!
NEXT stop! Blu Jaz.

alan and raju.
sam, YL, alan.
raju, franck, lenny, baby.
raju showing off his card tricks to sam.
alan "giving" raju "POWER" to perform the tricks. haha
played indian poker, our first loser...franck.
followed by lenny. drinking a concoction of whiskey soda, lime juice, beer.
our card dealer of the night.
act SUD!
poor YL. he was riding that night, still had to drink.
our macho sam. he can drink!
i dunno what shooter is this. but yikes. for the bday boy, from franck.
must light up with fire!!
baby contemplating whether to stir it or not. haha
his face tells it all. disgusting shooter.
the next loser had to drink the disgusting shooter. so alan KENA.
he used a straw.
he seemed to love it. haha.
once he kena. he just took and drank it. haha. man.
damn. the next loser was me. they UP the stake, one whiskey shit mix, plus SHOOTER.
i was driving. so baby volunteered to drink on my behalf. =) 
baby and more shooter. by now, he already had 3 shooters.

sam quite sway that night. keep losing. haha. more shooters.
and MORE SHOOTERS. i already super scared. they kept UP-ing the stake with more drinks and shooters. i withdrew from the game. HAHA.
alan looking damn cheeky here.
we realised we din have a pic tgt.
i tink they super high already. look at lenny pls. trying to be a FLOWER.
while they drink and play. i took a pic of my hair. i love it.

this graveyard drink looks damn disgusting. lenny said tasted like bittergourd juice. haha.
baby was very obliging. he drank on almost every request. franck bought him shooter, drank on behalf of me, and RAJU! haha. cuz raju is a muslim, he cant touch alcohol, but he joined in the game. so if raju loses, baby will drink too! haha. luckily raju din lost any game. haha.
"da!" half jug of whiskey soda. super cold. till he brain freeze. haha.
late night supper. tissue prata for baby. my mee goreng sux big time. i had two mouthfuls.
hey guys. thanks for coming to the party. hope u guys enjoyed urself. we had fun! =)
great weekend. great company. great programmes. great fun!
hope many more of such gatherings to come. enough of fun, i shld better get my ass back to studying for my HMT test tmr. =)
baby, happy advanced birthday. hope u enjoyed urself with ur friends, family and loved ones. im really glad to see you happy and all smile-ly at the party. muacks. i love you.
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