i made a new friend today. her name is alicia, she is 18 this year.
so young. her major is also finance. pretty girl. =)
she took my number. so i guess i've got one more friend in class. =)

then, a guy from vietnam, sat beside me today.
very smelly. very irritating. and unshaven.
he asked to copy my notes cuz he was late for class.
so i looked at him.
he said.."i wonder if you have any SOCIAL ETHIC to lend me ur notes?"
i was like..what has it got to do with social ethic. aiya. just lend him loh.
then he saw my name on the notes. he went..."SARAH. Ahhhhh. a wonderful name!!"
then kept trying to lean near me. yikes.
he said that i looked so cute when i talk, cuz my nose tends to wriggle.
he said it's unbelievable that my hair is real. cuz it's so long and silky.
kept saying it's a WIG. wtf.
he said that i have a unique way of sneezing.
he asked if i believed in magic.
i said yes. cuz of alan, i am interested in magic. but im not very sure if i believe in it.
anyway, he offered to take my hand, and wants to make a coin disappear.
i asked him to shush, cuz we were in the middle of lecture.
he kept staring at me from sideways.
until i got really pissed.
he challenged me to copy notes, the fastest wins a lunch treat from the loser.
childish, i thought to myself.
i let him yakked, and i just smiled at him.
he said, "what a nice smile. i love it."
i felt like saying...FUCK YOU.
i couldnt wait for lecture to end.
and YES! it ended, and i sped out of class. haha...

in my past..

baby so sweeeeeet. he brought me to BEPPU for dinn...
ANNOUNCEMENT!in the end, i din fail my finance. th...
SEDUCTION! a 21yr-old seducing a 2 yr-old. -giggle...
baby Luke's 1st Month Celebration! i miss jillia-...
BATHING TIME!!!! see who are waiting to bathe??? ...
i am so tired. =(can someone save me?
The fucking bitch (from the previous post) is back...
If your name is G****D*NE & studying at S*M..this ...
After a stressful paper last sat, baby and the boy...
i fucking regreting choosing FINANCE as my MAJOR.i...