i fucking regreting choosing FINANCE as my MAJOR.
it's so fucking difficult. NB. out of 10 qns, i can only do 3.
the rest, i dunno how to do at all.
my god. so many fucking formulas.
dunno which to apply, cuz the question itself is already so confusing and tricky.
with so many numbers.
the test is 30% and exam is 70%.
i dun wanna fail it. cuz need to pay extra money to repeat the module.
i am really freaking out now.

should have just chosen some project based Major, like HR or Marketing.
sigh. im so sad and scared now.....i studied so much, but still feel damn lost.

baby started his 2nd job today. he is holding 2 jobs now.
poor boy. sigh.

i miss working. cuz dun have to study.
i dun wanna study anymore. and so many proj and tests coming up, each per week.
just kill me.

in my past..

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