i see my daddy for the past few days. i feel so sad.
daddy walks super slowly. worst than old pple that kind of slow.
cuz his wound is hurting so badly.
he cant sit properly also.
he takes like 5mins to walk from the room to the bathroom.
that's like super long, cuz we normal pple, can just walk in like 30sec?
and when he sleeps, only one position. u can see he is very uncomfortable.
when he talks, he frowns so badly, cuz it's so painful.
once he sits down, he doesnt move anymore.
and his wound bled a few times, cuz he walked just a little too fast.
he's got 2 long big stitches. poor daddy.
i love my daddy and i dun want anything bad to happen to him.
as im typing this, im tearing.
im sorry that i cant afford to let him retire.
im sorry that i cant score well and get into govt Uni. thus, having to studying SIM, and pay my fees by cash.
im sorry for being materialistic, and wants the car all the time.
im sorry for being pampered, and wants u to fetch me here and there whenever u can.
im sorry for not showing my love to you. cuz i dunno how. im not brought up in the "ANG MO" and "OPEN" kind of family. i dun kiss my mum, nor my dad. i dun hug them. i dun say i love them everyday. it's just a traditional cheena-fied family.
i just hope u can feel it and i really hope u can get well soon. i love you daddy.

in my past..

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